Strategic Planning: Purchase of Brazilian company
A world leader in the specialty paper business, it bought an industrial operation in Brazil. The purchase had a liability guarantee not clearly defined. He needed to assess the risks and do due diligence.
The buyer also wanted to analyze the administrative and accounting operation and the reliability of the management information.
The purchased operation had a distribution branch for artistic papists whose strategic viability was questioned.

  • JRM Contribution

Due diligence
Working with auditors and civil, fiscal, labor attorneys, we have detectedand economic risks and took necessaries adjustments.
Analysis of the organization
JRM interviewed and audited all critical items. It resulted in improvements in procedures and financial policy.
JRM analyzed the business procedures and the profitability of each activity. The recommendations were informed to the shareholder who made the necessary decisions.
Distribution of artistic papers segment
JRM analyzed the characteristics, the potential of this market, the competitors and the optimization of the distribution of the products. He presented to the shareholder a report suggesting a strategy for the development of this distribution channel. Most of the suggestions were implemented.
Development strategy
Following the above analysis, the shareholder extended JRM's mission to the analysis of the five industrial sectors in which the company operates in Brazil. JRM performed the analysis and evaluation of each sector and presented global strategic recommendations for the group's growth in the Brazilian market.
The group decided to appoint a new general manager. JRM followed the deployment of this expatriate and guided him in taking office. 

Strategic management: Restructuring of commercial network 
One of the world leaders in the field of electrical equipment bought a company in Brazil. The company had branches scattered throughout Brazil. Some time after the purchase realized that the strategy of the Brazilian branch did not give the expected results. He switched from general manager and hired JRM to accompany.

  • JRM Contribution

After an initial evaluation with the person in charge of the group in Europe the following objectives were defined:

  • Evaluation of fiscal, labor risks;
  • Analyze the operational and commercial functioning;
  • Evaluate the management team and HR policy;
  • Analyze the distribution subsidiaries and the efficiency of the distribution network;
  • New manager's coaching;


During the mission, JRM worked closely with both the local board and the international board of directors.
Special work was done to analyze the assets and accounts receivable.
In the part of the branch network, JRM made recommendations that allowed to improve the organization, redesign the network of the branches with closing of some units, renovation of others.

At the end of the mission, the Brazilian company had improved the results and improved the overall situation.

Process management: Document database
The Brazilian mining company needed to reorganize its mining knowledge base since 1910. All search documents were paper-formatted, which made it difficult to search.

  • JRM Contribution

JRM developed specific programs to scan all documentation and enable index search. All this transfer was automatic. The manuscript documents were also treated, which allowed for the management of property titles.